Surfing Post Partum

A couple of months ago I gave birth to a big healthy baby boy (over 9 lbs). He is my second baby in two years and the recovery process was a lot slower than my first. I didn’t surf as long into my pregnancy the second time (30 weeks vs. 32 weeks) and I waited a bit longer to get back in the water after having my son than my daughter (7 weeks vs. 5). Those two weeks on either end may not seem like much, but they did to me.

When I finally got back in the water after 4 months off the board, I was slow, weak, and out of rhythm with the ocean. These clips were taken in my first two weeks back in the water.

Luckily my son is a very mellow baby who is happy to chill out on the beach while mama goes surfing. My daughter is 2 and loves the ocean and has started asking to catch waves with me. Here’s a snapshot of our surfing life from the past week.

2 thoughts on “Surfing Post Partum”

  1. Your clip makes it look so easy to get back in and ride
    I am 3 weeks pp from c-section delivery

    What is your secret to getting back in surf shape!!!

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