Tag Archives: holly beck obermeyer

Luna Paddles Out

Luna has ridden a bunch of waves in her life starting at age 10 months, but this was the first time she wanted to paddle outside with me.


We had been spending a lot of time on the inside, playing around, riding broken waves with her on my back.

One day the waves were pretty small and I saw that there were long enough gaps between sets that I could probably get her outside without having to pop over a big wave. I asked if she wanted to “go out to the amigas” and she said “ok!”

We timed it just right and made it outside with dry hair. She was a little nervous but also happy to be out there.


I saw a little wave coming, turned and paddled for it. I wasn’t sure we’d be able to catch it or what I’d do when we did catch it. Should I just stay laying down as we’d been practicing? But once we were in it, instinct kicked in and I slowly stood up. She was gripping tightly, and I reached around and got an arm on her just in case.img_8100img_8104img_8112img_8115

We rode it all the way in! I asked if she wanted to paddle out for another and she said yes. On the next paddle out, I didn’t time it quite as well and we did have to push through a little wave. She got splashed in the face and wasn’t too happy about it, but calmed down once we got outside. The swell was small but long period and building. After having to paddle quickly to avoid a couple of larger waves, I decided not to push our luck and we paddled in.

I’m looking forward to the next opportunity to get her out there again!

Planting the Placenta

According to our midwife, the placenta that nourished my little guy for 41.5 weeks was something special. Of course all placentas are miraculous, and I haven’t seen enough to know the difference, but our midwife was weighing it, and exclaiming over it’s large size.

Luna was born in a hospital so her placenta was thrown out, or burned, or whatever hospitals do with that sort of thing. This time around, we kept it wrapped up in a tortilla bag in the freezer at the birth house. A couple of weeks later it traveled in a cooler on a two day drive down to our home in Pavones where it was shoved into our freezer there and mostly forgotten. Continue reading Planting the Placenta

Luna’s Day at The Beach – Swimming and Surfing at almost 2 years old

It’s been a while since Luna has wanted to get on the board in the ocean. We didn’t want to force it, preferring to wait until she asked. The last few days she has been asking. Yesterday morning she surprised us by riding her first few waves solo. She was even paddling back to dad (with some pushes from mom) after each ride. We didn’t have a camera.

Today, armed with a GoPro we tried again. The waves were a little bit bigger and more consistent so she was a little more nervous, but she did get this one great ride and ended it with a big smile!

Luna’s First Solo Waves

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It’s been a while since Luna has wanted to get on the board in the ocean. We didn’t want to force it, preferring to wait until she asked. The last few days she has been asking. Yesterday morning she surprised us by riding her first few waves solo. She was even paddling back to dad (with some pushes from mom) after each ride. We didn’t have a camera.  Continue reading Luna’s First Solo Waves

Surfing 4 Months Pregnant With Baby #2

I’ve currently got an awesome 1.5 year old little girl and am now 4 months pregnant with baby #2. Last time I surfed up until 32 weeks. I’m not sure i’ll be able to go as long this time around. Having the toddler to chase around all day makes it hard to get the rest I need so I anticipate stopping surfing a bit sooner. But before I get to that point, i’m enjoying it! The waves have been awesome in Costa Rica lately!

Surfing and Riding Horses at 15 Months

It’s been so fun to play now that Luna is a bit older. She’s loving being at the beach, in the water, and on horseback. She’s talking a ton, mostly in Spanish, but also knows the hand sign for “more”. She doesn’t use it often – only when she REALLY wants more of something. I was so stoked to see her using it while galloping on horseback.

Here she is at 15 months old enjoying everything around her. She caught her first wave on mama’s back and is having tons of fun playing on her boogie board.

Bringing Baby to the Office

holly high 5 debbie

Living in Nicaragua has many benefits. Warm water, awesome weather, the ability to walk barefoot most of the day most days and wear the same clothing multiple days in a row without anyone batting an eye. It’s great for lightening the laundry load, toughening the feet, and deepening the smile lines.

It’s also great for spending a lot of time with baby. My sister, who lives in the Los Angeles area, has said that she often feels that she had a baby for someone else to hang out with. She works a ton and has to pay for a nanny to watch her daughter 5 days a week. I also work a lot but luckily I can bring my little girl to work.

I do employ a local friend who helps me with Luna while I surf. In the first few months that basically entailed holding her in the shade or rocking her in a hammock while she slept. Now that she’s nearly a year old, it means walking her on the beach.

During the Surf Yoga Retreats Luna comes along and plays at the water’s edge while I surf. I hold her while congratulating an Amiga on an awesome ride, or giving some advice on foot placement. I love being able to hang out with her all day long even while I work.

luna big steps


Waterfall Afternoon

kim luna waterfallEvery afternoon he takes her to the waterfall. It’s a short walk. It’s a small waterfall. Just a trickle really, but there’s a cool little pool there. Waist deep on him. Just enough space for her. “kick kick kick”. “splash splash splash”.

She gasps at the chilly water. Every time. But if you put her in slowly, she starts smiling. She doesn’t mind the waterfall droplets on her face. Her little tongue twists and curls in delight – a new thing, this control of her tongue. Two tiny lower teeth show in her smile.

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Usually I’m surfing. Cheering Amigas into waves. Hoping for some sharp turns of my own. But today is particularly hot.

So while the girls stretch out in the shade of a sea-view yoga platform the three of us sneak off to the waterfall. I trail behind them a few steps clicking away at the shutter button. Capturing their time together. This precious moment, so fleeting. She’s nearly 7 months old already and growing so fast, Learning so much. It’s true what they say.

kim luna jungle look

The jungle is heavy around us. Toucans, scarlet macaws, green vine snakes, squirrel monkeys. Yesterday they watched the monkeys up close from the coolness of the pool. Last night we saw the long-tailed silhouettes in the trees above us. A family of more than a dozen complete with a baby-toting mother flying between coco fronds. We were sandy and salty looking up as the last light faded, this curious little naked creature in arms, and I.

kim luna headshots

Now it’s daddy time. He points out shrimp in the pool, lifts a leaf, raises her above his head to get the giggles going. I balance on a rock looking through the lens at a scene I can hardly believe is my reality. Appreciating.

Hot air, green rustling leaves, pounding surf, falling water, and my two loves.

kim luna jungle